Ceiling Lifts Easytrack FS

The Easytrack FS is a groundbreaking solution in the world of mobility support, providing a flexible, freestanding system that caters to various transfer needs. Whether it’s moving from a wheelchair to a bed, from bed to chair, or even in the bathroom, the Easytrack FS offers an accessible and efficient solution.

Key Features:
  • Versatile Usage: The design of the Easytrack FS makes it suitable for all types of point-to-point transfers, providing a cohesive solution for multiple mobility needs within the home.
  • Safe Working Capacity: With a capacity of 440 lbs (200 kg), the Easytrack FS is exceptional for a portable product, making it suitable for almost any individual.
  • Portability: Being a freestanding system, it can be moved and set up where required, offering flexibility in its application.
  • Home-Friendly Design: Created with the aim of aiding those with mobility impairments, its design enables individuals to continue living at home while enjoying normal activities without requiring substantial alterations to the living space.

The Easytrack FS system represents a significant advancement in home care support, bringing together portability, functionality, and safety. It recognizes the need for individualized support in a home setting and provides a solution that can be tailored to various situations, promoting independence, and enhancing the quality of life for those it serves.

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