Mobility Handicap Lifts SARA 3000

Introducing the SARA 3000 – an evolved standing and raising aid that embodies the latest advancements within the pioneering realm of ArjoHuntleigh’s product spectrum. Crafted with ergonomic finesse and powered functionalities, this aid empowers a single caregiver to deliver top-notch care, seamlessly executing routine activities like transfers and toileting.

Key Highlights
  • Elevating Caregiver Ergonomics: SARA 3000 supports caregiver efficiency by fostering ergonomic working practices.
  • Empowering Mobility and Exercise: This aid stimulates and maintains resident mobility, seamlessly facilitating standing exercises.
  • Anatomy-Centric Design: Resident comfort takes center stage with an anatomical design crafted to perfection.
  • Safe and Secure: With a safe working load of 440 lbs (200 kg), SARA 3000 prioritizes safety and reliability.
  • Comfort in Control: The presence of spacious handles allows residents to adjust their grip, fostering a sense of security and comfort during the raising and lowering process.

Uplifting Lives Through Activation: SARA 3000 is an advocate of active mobility during everyday transfers, turning mundane tasks into opportunities for enhanced mobility. Its prowess extends to mobility-sustaining standing exercises, which are rendered effortlessly achievable.

A Safer Path to Tasks: The shift to SARA 3000 facilitates assisted transfers and toileting, relieving caregivers of the stress and perils associated with manual handling.

Elevating Care, Elevating Efficiency: Operable by a sole caregiver, SARA 3000’s efficiency streamlines tasks that would otherwise be labor-intensive. This impressive blend of functionality and cost-effectiveness translates to a higher echelon of care that remains within economic reach.

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